patrik.honti: Dám szarvas
Viktor Honti: DSC_4551a
letkata: Nőtincs
Nikola Rahme: Colorful lime-borer
Nikola Rahme: Colorful lime-borer
Henrik Gyurkovics: Misses of the old times 5891
Henrik Gyurkovics: Dianthus crinitus 1777
Siegfried Tremel: Chrysolina II
Henrik Gyurkovics: Down in the woods 6457
Nikola Rahme: Oak-leaf-rolling beetle
Nikola Rahme: Mating beeflies
didin21: Fourmilion 2000-1
didin21: P1010833-3
Henrik Gyurkovics: Gymnosoma rotundatum f. on Polygonum arenarium 5523
Nikola Rahme: Golden-haired click beetle
Nikola Rahme: Coppery chafer
Nikola Rahme: Jewel beetle in rose
Nikola Rahme: Jewel beetle in rose
Henrik Gyurkovics: Leucospis gigas f. 3220
Nikola Rahme: Anthaxia on buttercup
acpcorreia: Another time
acpcorreia: Red and blue
acpcorreia: Drops on the glass
acpcorreia: Reflection
acpcorreia: Let it go
acpcorreia: Cold sunset
acpcorreia: Stuck inside
acpcorreia: Pieces of Florence
Erland R.N.: Tabanus autumnalis