sherriejd: SJD_P52_Week7_Final500
mypeacetree: Page 2 - Secret
ania-maria: a dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work
Jaszmurka: M-A n10
ania-maria: 89/365 :: art journal :: it's complicated
ania-maria: art journal :: Live the LIFE you've imagined.
Ula~: 5th September
Jaszmurka: M-A_n4 [music is the reason] EXPLORED! Jan8 ♥
thekathrynwheel: Mini art Journal
sparkleface: forgotten
irmgardhouillot: boîte à secrets
WinonaCookie: Zora Lavinski's Moving Rooming House
rian jansen: 8febr.'09-Freubel-art
Lisa Kettell: Suze's Wax Works! 4
Lisa Kettell: Suze's Wax Works! 2
WinonaCookie: Handsome Devil
thealie: "Mi-ombre/Mi-Lumière"
thealie: Secret caché
sPaRK*YouR*iMaGiNaTioN: *oNCe uPoN a TiMe sToRyBoX* antique box assemblage collage vintage paper altered art paper FaiRy doll
Tricia Scott: the quiet
Kelly Angard: eye closeup
HollyLovesArt: Parisian Theme
yayagoldie: great grandma II-traded
Catharinas-Love: Vriendschapkussentje
Javier Piragauta: Melancolia vintage 1 (edicion fotografica)
Jiro Ban: Waiting