ashley noell: Tired of pictures!
sonobugiardo: postcard - e. maroto - cancer
jovisala47: Casablanca
jovisala47: Casablanca
RE_vers: timpul florilor
The Partridge Family: adiere de primăvară
Maria CTOU: IMG_0002
Maria CTOU: Sara Montiel
Maria CTOU: Ingrid Bergman. Carte postale ACIN
Taylor Gabriela: Happy Valentine's Day!
Rebel Without a Cause: Humphrey Bogart
Rebel Without a Cause: Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall
Silver Screen Sirens: Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart
Brite light photos: humphrey bogart & dooley wilson - casablanca 1943
Susanlenox: ANNA KARENINA (1935)
rauter25: Hollywood in the Forties
black_currant: Ingrid Bergman
black_currant: Ingrid Bergman
RE_vers: cer bacovian in zi eminesciana
*Rx*: Tamarin
StrangeSoul: Give us a sign ....
nicolemi: A la recherche du temps perdu
Irina Cristescu: Cu gandul la vara... (Thinking of summer...)
*Rx*: Spin
Maria CTOU: Collage de cartes postales
Mihai-ela: Somes Leonard Cohen