christine.sterne: Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe
christine.sterne: nadi-chakras and bijas
christine.sterne: avadhuti-nadi or dbu-ma rtsa Central Channel with the 2 fold knot an the crown, throat and navel as well as the 6 fold knot at the heart.
christine.sterne: Mahasukha-chakra and sambhoga-chakra 32 branched chakra at the crown and 16 branched chakra at the throat.
christine.sterne: Nirmana-chakra and dharma-chakra 64 branched chakra at the navel and 8 branched chakra at the heart. The guhya-chakra at the groin has 32 branches like the crown chakra in the last picture
christine.sterne: subtle body
christine.sterne: Heavenly medicineS. Battaglia, G. Miglietta, F. Wenig-Lynds
christine.sterne: The Face of Impermanence medical tangkas by Nepalese tangka artist Romio Shrestha&his Tibetan Nepalese&Bhutanese students in Kathmandu during7years late 1980s&early 1990
christine.sterne: Images of Impermanence
christine.sterne: Cadaver Romio Shrestha copied from originals painted between 1687&1703 during the rule of the 5th dalai lama to illustrate tantras written form of traditional tibetan medicalknowledge
christine.sterne: Vulnerable Points
christine.sterne: The Inner Mandala
christine.sterne: Topographical Lines of Channels
christine.sterne: Chakras and Energy Channels1
christine.sterne: Thangkas illustrations of the points of the body associated with bloodletting, moxibustion and minor surgery, differentiated, respectively, by the use of the colors blue, yellow and red
christine.sterne: Thangkas illustrations of the points of the body associated with bloodletting, moxibustion and minor surgery, differentiated, respectively, by the use of the colors blue, yellow and red1
christine.sterne: Bloodletting Channels
christine.sterne: Dzogchen Channels
christine.sterne: Cranial Physiognomy
christine.sterne: Anatomical Grids
christine.sterne: tibetan anatomy
christine.sterne: tibetan anatomy1 Chakras and Energy Channels
christine.sterne: chakras_and_energy_channels_in_the_human_body_tl14
christine.sterne: front_view_of_human_anatomy_tg51
christine.sterne: materia_medica_of_animal_mineral_and_vegetable_tf92
christine.sterne: materia_medica_of_vegetable_origin_tj29
christine.sterne: human_embryology_tf91
christine.sterne: the_paradise_of_medicine_buddha_tq65
christine.sterne: medical_instruments_tf39