StevanB: Bronze & terracotta statuettes from the Geometric Period. c. 800 BCE at Olympia, Greece.
StevanB: On the ship from Brindisi to Patras. 21 Sept 1985.
StevanB: Bronze pans, pins & jewelry from the Geometric period (c. 800 BCE) at Olympia, Greece.
StevanB: Pediment sculpture from the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. 450 BCE.
StevanB: Terracotta water pipes from the Hellenistic period at Olympia, Greece. 3rd cen. BCE.
StevanB: A runner at the starting blocks in the stadium at Olympia, Greece. c. 400 BCE.
StevanB: The valley of the Alpheios River, and the sacred precinct of ancient Olympia.
StevanB: View of Platia Kolokotroni from window of the Arcadia Hotel in Tripolis, Greece.
StevanB: Village and castle of Karitaina, Greece.
StevanB: Restaurant in Andritsaina, Greece.
StevanB: Village of Andritsaina, Greece. 25 Sept 1985.
StevanB: Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassae (c. 450 BCE) undergoing stabilization.
StevanB: Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassae (c. 450 BCE) undergoing stabilization.
StevanB: Village of Andritsaina, Greece. 26 Sept 1985.
StevanB: Fountain at Andritsaina, Greece.
StevanB: Bus station at Kalamata, Greece. Awaiting bus to Pylos. 27 Sept 1985.
StevanB: Jar with octopus motif from "Nestor's Palace" near Pylos. c. 1200 BCE.
StevanB: Ceramic bathtub in the "Palace of Nestor", near Pylos, Greece. 13th cen. BCE.
StevanB: Ekklisia Agia Fotini near the ruins of ancient Mantinea, Greece. 29 Sept 1985.
StevanB: Theater and Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus.
StevanB: Nautilus design on skyphos from Mycenaean Argolid.
StevanB: Mycenaean amphora with octopus motif, from the Argolid. c. 1300 BCE.
StevanB: "Hideous Idols" from Mycenae. c. 1500 BCE.
StevanB: Ancient Greek tablet.
StevanB: Gatepost of outer gate at "mighty walled Tiryns". 13th cen. BCE.
StevanB: Archaeological excavation at Plateia Kotzia in downtown Athens. 3 Oct 1985.
StevanB: Parthenon. Athens. Erected 447-438 BCE.
StevanB: Propylaia of the Acropolis of Athens.
StevanB: Dagger blade inlaid in gold, silver, & niello, Gold death mask. From Mycenae c. 1580 BCE.
StevanB: Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion. 444 BCE.