StevanB: Atlas1891 T7,8 R22,23 North Fork Crane Valley
StevanB: Atlas1891 T9,10 R21,22 Finegold Spring Valley
StevanB: Nineveh 1990. Kuyunjik. Area KS-24. Post-Assyrian excavation. Looking south. Floors F207 & F208. Walls F210 & F219. Photo 28 May 1990.
StevanB: Nineveh 1990. Kuyunjik. Area KS-24. Post-Assyrian excavation. Looking south. Photo 28 May 1990
StevanB: Nineveh 1990. Kuyunjik. Post-Assyrian excavation area KS-24. Plan drawing. (North is down.)
StevanB: Nineveh 1990. Kuyunjik. Post-Assyrian excavation area KS-24. Feature list pg.1
StevanB: Nineveh 1990. Kuyunjik. Post-Assyrian excavation area KS-24. Location on Satellite view.
StevanB: Stone work from the Temple of Dionysus at Pergamum. c. 300 CE.
StevanB: Temple of Trajan at Pergamum. Built 120 CE.
StevanB: Gymnasium of ancient Pergamum.
StevanB: Baths of the gymnasium in ancient Pergamum. Hellenistic or Roman era.
StevanB: Operating a "crane" on a construction job in Bergama, Turkey.
StevanB: Sheep now graze in the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. Once one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
StevanB: Board listing accomodations in Selçuk. 8 Nov 1985.
StevanB: Mosaic floor from Ephesus. 2nd cen. CE.
StevanB: Glass items from tombs near Ephesus. 3rd cen. BCE - 3rd cen. CE.
StevanB: Ivory furniture decorations from Ephesus. c. 100 CE.
StevanB: A shop manufacturing solar water heaters in Kuşadası, Turkey. 8 Nov 1985.
StevanB: Market day is Friday in Kuşadası. 8 Nov 1985. (#2)
StevanB: Market day is Friday in Kuşadası. 8 Nov 1985.
StevanB: Theater and main market street of ancient Ephesus. c. 100 BCE.
StevanB: Public toilets at Ephesus. 1st cen. CE. Colm demonstrates.
StevanB: The ruins of ancient Ephesus. Roman era. c. 100 CE.
StevanB: Konya Restoran, Kuşadası, Turkey. 7 Nov 1985.
StevanB: The village of Pirgos in the mountains of Samos. 4 Nov 1985.
StevanB: Lunch at the Heraion on Samos. Once a huge temple of c. 500 BCE.
StevanB: Preparing to board the ferry for Samos at Paros. 2 Nov 1985.
StevanB: The boat to Delos returns to Mykonos. 1 Nov 1985.
StevanB: The "House of Hermes" on Delos. Under restoration. c. 200 BCE.
StevanB: Ruins of ancient Delos seen from Mt. Kynthos. Island of Rheneia is 1000 yards away at left.