CoryCA: Mom, Janelle and Scott on the Floreana beach
CoryCA: Naps are wonderful!
CoryCA: Marine iguana
CoryCA: Crab on the lava rock
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Canadian Queen. June 1892.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Lady’s Pictorial: A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Fashion, Society, Art, Literature, Music and Drama. November 30, 1907.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: George Barbier. Journal des Dames et des Modes. September 1, 1913.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: La Grande Dame: Revue de l’Élégance et des Arts. July 1895.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Journal des Demoiselles. October 1, 1896.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Robert Simpson Co. Canadian Shopper's Hand Book and Repertorie of Fashion , No. 54. Ca 1895.
CoryCA: IMG_0893.CR2
Victori∀: snow dance
CoryCA: IMG_0044
CoryCA: Jennifer & Maya
andrea.sosio: 2012-14-0031g-Up "All in a Rat's Christmas" - Happy Holidays Flickr Friends!
lili.chin: In EveryDog Magazine
Metrix X: Library Yurt At Occupy Toronto
arockalypse: Father and Son: STS-1 and STS-135
The Daring Librarian: SqworlWikipageW
Eva Blue: podcamp toronto 2011 - 78
Paul Henman: Jen and Daniele ... and his tie
Eva Blue: canucklibrarian
snacktime2007: *My* back to school: making comments on papers
SocialGrow: Just Some of the Social Networks SocialGrow Loves
leddy library weblog: Research Help Desks Display
Eva Blue: banksy - glitter rat - 3
twestivalmtl: Twestival-Montreal-2010-31
twestivalmtl: Twestival-Montreal-2010-30