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MC Keith
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MC Keith
Warren Hickox House, Kankakee, Illinois
MC Keith
Warren Hickox House
MC Keith
B Harley Bradley House, Kankakee, Illinois
MC Keith
B Harley Bradley House
MC Keith
B Harley Bradley House, Kankakee, Illinois
MC Keith
Jubilee Kitchen Wax
MC Keith
Palos Heights Pavers
MC Keith
Repainted patio set
MC Keith
House in the Beverly Hills Neighborhood of Chicago
MC Keith
Another House in Beverly
MC Keith
Masketeers Peacocks. circa 1965
MC Keith
Peacock Label
MC Keith
Fairbanks Soap
MC Keith
Jasper Pulaski CCC Buildings - 27 Nov 2010
MC Keith
Lake Meadows Playground, Chicago's Southside
MC Keith
Betty Murtagh serigraph "Paper Flowers" found at a resale shop for $6. Printed in 1975, #2 of 10 prints made
MC Keith
Furniture Chairs
MC Keith
Patio Set
MC Keith
Steel Kitchen Cabinets
MC Keith
Palos Park, Illinois.. built 1957
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
H.P. Davis Rockwell House, Olympia Fields, IL 1964
MC Keith
Kids Puzzles or Modern Art?
MC Keith
Thornton Township Town Hall
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