C H U A N: rose
Taiwan Poster Designer: Redheads set for extinction-Human Rights Poster Design
Flaf: Hofgartentor
蔡佳豪: name card / bookmark : '' absorb ''
和設計: 四不像 - 2012 兩岸兩岸四地藝術交流計畫 海報
0416: 小黃_好餓
kozyndan: "Kelp Magic" work in progress
川貝母 Inca Pan: Face / 臉
▣□ 陳 虧 寶 □▣: 服裝攝影 Clothing photography [explored]
xmac: 回家
xmac: hello world
kozyndan: wristband diary 7
littleBoo: xzs
Grace Weinrib: Castles in the Sky
下北沢世代: Björk X 荒木経惟
Grace Weinrib: Hokey Pokey or the Good Leg, Bad Leg
anniebee: plastic roses
anniebee: candy pei
anniebee: alien attack
second: 800 scan 47 second 20110615