fiberoptic: carnevale coil
fiberoptic: gondola coil
fiberoptic: carnivale
fiberoptic: Tuscany
fiberoptic: gondola
fiberoptic: Tartan
fiberoptic: Nessie
fiberoptic: Thistle
fiberoptic: Monet 4
fiberoptic: Monet 3
fiberoptic: Monet 2
fiberoptic: Monet 1
fiberoptic: ATWT-Feb2011-dragon-1
fiberoptic: ATWT-Feb2011-Jade-1
fiberoptic: ATWT-Feb2011-Jing-2
fiberoptic: yellow_batt
fiberoptic: yellow single ply
fiberoptic: yellow plied 2
fiberoptic: yellow plied 1
fiberoptic: handspun 3
fiberoptic: handspun 2
fiberoptic: handspun 1
fiberoptic: Blake's mittens
fiberoptic: club - sari
fiberoptic: club - mawata
fiberoptic: club - henna
fiberoptic: Copy of WHORLED PEAS
fiberoptic: Copy of SAFFRON 1
fiberoptic: Copy of VITAMIN C 1
fiberoptic: Copy of ROYALE 1