Jay O'C: Zamboni resurfacing the ice (L1003820-2)
Jay O'C: L1003819
Jay O'C: Pelicans (L2060303)
Jay O'C: Prescribed Burn (L2060309)
Jay O'C: Big Tree (L2060308)
Jay O'C: Prescriber Burn (L2060310)
Jay O'C: Shrimp and Oyster Boats (L2060312)
Jay O'C: Shrimp and Oyster boats at dock (L2060317)
Jay O'C: L2060318
Jay O'C: L2060319
Jay O'C: Fulton Harbor - Oyster and Shrimp Boats (L2060320)
Jay O'C: Cormorants (L2060323)
Jay O'C: Tug and Barge (L2060330)
Jay O'C: Barges loaded with petroleum products (L2060353)
Jay O'C: L2060360
Jay O'C: Whooping Crane & Great Egret (L2060366)
Jay O'C: Whooping Crane (L2060385)
Jay O'C: Adult Whooping Crane, Aransas NWR (L2060386)
Jay O'C: Whooping Cranes, Aransas NWR (L2060415)
Jay O'C: Intercostal Canal traffic (L2060416)
Jay O'C: Whooping Cranes - Adult & Juvenile (L2060419)
Jay O'C: L2060423
Jay O'C: L2060434
Jay O'C: L2060438
Jay O'C: Fishing boats (L1003803)
Jay O'C: Harbor Basin (L1003801)
Jay O'C: Shrimper (L1003800)
Jay O'C: Shrimpers (L1003791)
Jay O'C: L1003798
Jay O'C: L1003794