She Said Unprintable Things: Subway Characters #4 & #5
Robin Thom: Fall.
htakat: humans at the swimming pool
paper_bag_princess: sunrise over suburbia
htakat: Woman in the Car
leuntje: december 18th 2010 - just one year ago
thomas bach nielsen: “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
jasfitz | I'm foggy-tree-obsessed.
Trey Ratcliff: Glacier in the Fog
jasfitz | Vanilla latte. Heavens to Betsy, it's Saturday!
htakat: untitled
Trey Ratcliff: The Pennybacker Bridge
baerli08ww: _DSC3644 Ein wunderschöner Herbstmorgen beginnt... - A magnificent autumn morning begins ...
Josef...: storm light
bhikku: aphrodite, artemis
Orange Bread: A Better Day
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Trees cocooned in spider webs, an unexpected side effect of the flooding in Sindh, Pakistan
uwajedi: gay island
Soleil is me.: Tears in the heaven...
leuntje: scratch..
{ bianca }: Union Station