Breizh56: IMGP0285
GULSAHCALAYAN: 26d79555-eb2c-4ab0-877b-34a8808c1faa
DarkSummerTrees: Yashica Electro 35 Ektar 100 Sept 2020
stevieboy2343: Yashica Electro 35 GSN
stevieboy2343: Yashica Electro 35 GSN
Ladislav Rombald: Yashica 35 GTN
ChrisMachtFotos: Miesbach
apbaxter: Yashica Electro 35
adrian.veselu: A true classic
bcrane108: Shade
Mylittlecameras: Good vibes
Claudio Arriens: Minolta SR-7
Role Bigler: Rokkor
wunder.elli: Blätter im November
wunder.elli: Leuchten im Wald
Mylittlecameras: Night photography in the mundane ❤️
sk8ordie47: Minolta SR-T 101
urbanadventureleaguepdx: An old Civil Defense sign painted over with "No Dumping". There are several of these scattered around Portland. This one is found in an alley off of N Lombard St. 24 Feb 2021
nikku_neko: a canvas
a walk across the rooftops: ...s'il vous plaît
Helios 1984: Old Mercedes-Benz
urbanadventureleaguepdx: My Bantam Rambleneur besides the Columbia River. The Dalles, Oregon. 25 March 2021