Nikon Junkie: Xian Park Gate
Nikon Junkie: Old Pagoda Near Fa Men Si China
Nikon Junkie: Wolf Hunting Elk
Nikon Junkie: Upper Falls =Yellowstone=
Nikon Junkie: Teton Sunset
Nikon Junkie: MK Nature Center
Nikon Junkie: Most Beautiful Woman!!
Nikon Junkie: Building on Lucas Films' Property in San Diego
Nikon Junkie: Peaceful Day
Nikon Junkie: The Beautiful Red White and Blue!! Nothing Like it!
Nikon Junkie: Out of Nowhere
Nikon Junkie: Who I live for...
Nikon Junkie: A Little Fixing and it Would Be Awesome
Nikon Junkie: Memories
Nikon Junkie: Better Days on the Ranch
Nikon Junkie: Sawtooth Splendor
Nikon Junkie: A Touch of Snow
Nikon Junkie: Bryce Canyon Under Snow
Nikon Junkie: God Peaking Down
Nikon Junkie: Lovin' Big Sky Country!
Nikon Junkie: Deep in the Owyhees, Away From the Crowds
Nikon Junkie: The Evening Sun Giving Way to the Cold Night to Come
Nikon Junkie: I was in HIS place apparenlty
Nikon Junkie: Idaho State Pen Botanical Gardens (Gazebo)
Nikon Junkie: Shoshone Falls at 18,000cfs
Nikon Junkie: Bull Trout Waters
Nikon Junkie: Church Garden 2
Nikon Junkie: Church Garden
Nikon Junkie: Lit Tree Wrapped in Pitch Black