N8Zim: DSC_0999_06515
DragonWehr: Steamcon 2009 (4 of 109)
galli.gator: tea and couture7
DragonWehr: Steamcon 2009 (26 of 109)
blasphemina: Full Body
uncle_shoggoth: Steampunk Lady With Parasol
fotosniper: HYP_9870
Hueyatl: Dragoncon_2010_9_4_0144
Steve Bark: Lincoln_110910_0802 Steampunk
Scoundrelle: lyricteaser01
Scoundrelle: Lyric Fleur De Lis Dress
jaborwhalky: salon con
MattiOnline: Black Cream Victorian Civil War 086
b0n2a1: DSC_4013
Reagan Lam: Maria Bella
poopoorama: Mandi on the tracks
blindtraveller: Condor2010 048
ettadiem: Charly
MrsMcZany: Clockwork Butterfly
Reagan Lam: Mandi Malfunction
MrsMcZany: McZanycam1 (13 of 16)
Michelle @ i like orange.: quilting front 2
Erin - TwoMoreSeconds: UHG item #2 - hotpad
fromtheselvedge: G&H's Wedding Quilt back
square one studio: quilt for bella rose
twinfibers: Pop Flower Quilt - Urban Home Goods Swap - starting to quilt
Maggie and Josephine: Pacific NW calm quilt top
T.Tally: Mini Quilt Sparkle
LeilaBadblood: purple green orange quilt
Peppermint Pinwheels: Field Day Linen Quilt