sstavsky: Lamps and Clouds
Chic Bee: To Sleep, Perchance To Dream
Chic Bee: In My Succah Today For The Feast Of Tabernacles
Paul McClure DC: Lake Lucerne view near Esel peak, Pilatus, Switzerland
+David+: Out On The Trail
Chic Bee: The Moment Of Truth
Christoph Fischer: 15 Tips for Stunning Mountain Photographs!
gsubiza: Puffin in Mykines. Feroe Island
sstavsky: Wedding Photo, 1946
Chic Bee: This Is Kurt Klein - American Soldier, Rescuer, And Then Husband Of Gerda Weissmann
Chic Bee: This Is Gerda Weissmann
+David+: Bucktail Falls
Paul McClure DC: Joe and Jill Biden during the oath of office, U.S. Capitol, Inauguration Day, Washington, D.C.
sstavsky: House of Leaves
sstavsky: The Flavor of New York
Paul McClure DC: Washington Monument reflected in C&O Canal, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
beranekp: 2013-07-22 At the Source of the River Vltava
albyn.davis: Piazza San Marco
albyn.davis: Monet's backyard
lookoutforthetrain: Before It Changed Forever
Paul McClure DC: General John Rawlins statue amid riot of pink magnolia blossoms, Rawlins Park, Washington, D.C.
albyn.davis: holiday
sstavsky: At Untermyer Park and Gardens
sstavsky: Carousel of Dreams
Paul McClure DC: O'Neill Building, 6th Avenue and 20th Street, Chelsea, New York City
David Francis Photography: Blue Hour Super Moon (Explore)
René Ouderling: stuff yourself with knowledge