flutterbye216: Butterflies "Puddling"
John Petrick: Dragonfly Holding on Tight
 JoesSistah: We met last summer...
Jed B: Shock and awe - spider vs wasp 1
Abby.Leigh.Photography: I'll touch my shadow...
Miss Butterfly's: Con cara de perro
Claudia Gaiotto: Cosa vuoi tu!!!??? What do you want!!!??
hidn: Feral
John Petrick: The Window Washer
zmedzo: hunter selective color in stocking
pixlejunky: that ones difrant
pixlejunky: yeeeeehaaaaa!!!
7van: Trying to Forget (selective colors version)
John Petrick: Thumper joins Wendy for lunch
Amber... Bamberboo: I just couldn't...
Daves shots: Ballet Practice
virgipix: Water pearl