-17-: colored pearls
-17-: fractals
-17-: wood cut
-17-: full immersion
-17-: brown eyes
-17-: the evolution of the smile
-17-: lavender
-17-: silent patrol
-17-: chicago skyline
-17-: chicago skyline II
-17-: chair-o-planes
-17-: behind bars
-17-: sunset II
-17-: blinken lights
-17-: merchandise mart
-17-: lights on chicago river
-17-: gang star
-17-: red forest
-17-: abstract landscape
-17-: race against time
-17-: lake cross
-17-: just a lemon
-17-: perched up too
-17-: perched up
-17-: circles and lines
-17-: verganglichkeit
-17-: curtains
-17-: it's a swamp out there...
-17-: great blue heron
-17-: banana spider