underpressurephoto: Free swimming Dendronotus iris at La Jolla Shores.
underpressurephoto: Summer sunset at Terramar, Carlsbad
underpressurephoto: Proliferating Anemone (Epiactis prolifera) on kelp.
underpressurephoto: Proliferating Anemone (Epiactis prolifera) on kelp.
underpressurephoto: Urticina mcpeaki anemone
underpressurephoto: Red Gorgonian (Lophogorgia chilensis) and kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
underpressurephoto: The Lazy Days wreck amid the kelp forest
underpressurephoto: Black Sea Nettle Jellyfish (Chrysaora achlyos)
underpressurephoto: Diver and elkhorn kelp (Pelagophycus porra)
underpressurephoto: MacFarland's Chromodorid (Chromodoris macfarlandi)
underpressurephoto: Spanish Shawl (Flabellina iodinea)
underpressurephoto: Black Sea Nettle Jellyfish (Chrysaora achlyos) and a hitchhiker crab
underpressurephoto: Catalina Triopha (Triopha catalinae) aka Clown Dorid
underpressurephoto: Christmas tree worm
underpressurephoto: Macrocystis Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and Proliferating Anemone (Epiactis prolifera)
underpressurephoto: Mating White spotted porostomes (Doriopsilla albopunctata) surrounded by a Giant Spined Star (Pisaster giganteus)
underpressurephoto: Closeup of a Gopher Rockfish (Sebastes carnatus)
underpressurephoto: A Giant Spined Star (Pisaster giganteus) on a kelp holdfast.
underpressurephoto: The Lazy Days wreck off Pt Loma at 80 ft.
underpressurephoto: Hermissenda crassicornis
underpressurephoto: Sarcastic Fringehead (Neoclinus lanchardi)
underpressurephoto: Coonstripe Shrimp (Pandalus gurneyi)
underpressurephoto: Stearn's Aeolid (Facelina stearnsi) and Coonstripe Shrimp (Pandalus gurneyi)
underpressurephoto: Lion Nudibranch (Melibe leonina) on kelp
underpressurephoto: Stearn's Aeolid (Facelina stearnsi) and Spiny brittle star (Ophiothrix spiculata)
underpressurephoto: Last rays of the setting sun at Moss Point, Laguna Beach, CA
underpressurephoto: Sweetwater River flows through the Lower Green Valley falls.
underpressurephoto: Clouds at sunset on the top of Stonewall Peak.
underpressurephoto: Spring sunset at Woods Cove, Laguna Beach.
underpressurephoto: Club tipped anemones (Corynactis californica)