annems1: fringe dwellings. . . . .
annems1: Lake Entrance
annems1: splatters!!
annems1: Murray River Echuca
^Diana^: Hair raising
^Diana^: Skiing
annems1: up up and away. . . .
Neal Pritchard Photography: Sugarloaf Rock Western Australia
^Diana^: Sign posted
^Diana^: Tanna sunset, Vanuatu
bmeup: North Stradbroke Island. Adder Rock. Straddie Seascape.
mickylightpainter: Dead Man's Walk ~ Snapper Point
hug n angels: El Cap
di on the wallaby: Drive By Shoot!
Ingrid Douglas: A Long Time Passion.
mickylightpainter: Manlyvale Tunnel
mickylightpainter: Fingal Head Morning
annems1: Where do you go to my lovely. . .??
di on the wallaby: Sandstone Bridge, Ross, Tasmania.
Cloud Nine Photography (Rainee): Facebook & Web site.