osman.durak: water seems to be good for a bath:)) / Elle est bonne pour un bain:))
otapis106: Red buds-Ankara-Turkey
otapis106: Lamium-Ballıbaba
otapis106: Speedwell - Mavişotu- Ankara- Turkey
osman.durak: close encounters of the second kind...
osman.durak: Ankara, close-up on the old town
osman.durak: see you next year my friend / à la prochaine mon ami :))
osman.durak: black-headed gull flying over the sea of clouds / mouette rieuse survolant la mer de nuages
osman.durak: the black-headed seagulls can't wait to welcome the rockstar / les mouettes rieuses sont impatientes d'accueillir la rockstar
osman.durak: big brother is watching...
osman.durak: reflections of the mild January sky under the Seljuk bridge / 13th century
osman.durak: pigeon dressed as a hawk on parade in front of the admirer
osman.durak: dark-eyed starling / étourneau aux yeux sombres
osman.durak: grows through the vines / pousse à travers les vignes
osman.durak: 'early bird eats the worm', he has a full stomach, / le lève-tôt mange le ver
osman.durak: clair de lune / crescent moon🎹
osman.durak: A graceful color that suits well primrose: strawberry pink
Firuz Soyuer: DSC_3782
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Firuz Soyuer: DSC_3771-Enhanced-NR
Firuz Soyuer: DSC_3752
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Firuz Soyuer: DSC_3375-Pano