BoneLust: Wanted to show how thin my favorite female Golden Silk Orb-Weaver, Nephila clavipes, has become. She has made 3 egg sacs now & I suspect she's sadly nearing the end of her lifespan.
WhiteMousy: Bounty
-Femke-: 27/365
kakissel: June as hell beast
Photos By Dave Forbes: "Look into my eyes , not around my eyes"
deedlelu: Bee Tattoo
macpapaja: Jorō Spider and her web (3/3)
Fomal Haut: 20091004-DSC_6745 ジョロウグモ 女郎蜘蛛 Nephila clavata
jeans_Photos: A buzz!
N Dave Johnson: bees - raw video
Isuru Gunasekera: Carpenter Bee in a flower
Jason | xiaoming: Nectar Feasting~
paperdaisy8: Blue Banded Bee_AA DSC_7729_3 of 5
Fish Fidler: and then there was three
aussiegall: I Spy
Fish Fidler: bees bees bees
Fish Fidler: Now we are happy together
mj_stevo: Maratus volans
Stratio: Cicindela sp.
James Niland: Blue banded bee #1
James Niland: Triangular Spider
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Wasp Moth (Syntomini, Arctiinae, Erebidae)
Brian M. Freer: Metamorphosis
Emir Filho: Diastatops Montgomery Intensa
lalie sorbet: India. Little neighbour..
Zeen.: Salticidae
daniele.rossi: in your eyes...
Roland Bogush: Hoverfly wings akimbo