Eric Gofreed: Hooded oriole - female
Eric Gofreed: Black-headed grosbeak - male
Eric Gofreed: Pine siskin
Eric Gofreed: Pine siskin
Eric Gofreed: Bewick's wren on pyracantha branch
Eric Gofreed: Bald Eagle
Eric Gofreed: Lazuli Bunting-07848-male
Eric Gofreed: Lazuli Bunting-07870-male
Eric Gofreed: Hooded oriole - female
Eric Gofreed: Hooded oriole - male
cruso2: IMG_2741
cruso2: IMG_3193
Eric Gofreed: Snow goose-04825-Edit
Eric Gofreed: Snow goose
Eric Gofreed: Wood duck drake
Eric Gofreed: Black-crowned night heron
Eric Gofreed: Osprey at Sedona Airport
Eric Gofreed: Peregrine falcon-07517
Eric Gofreed: Lilies and hummingbirds
Eric Gofreed: Evening grosbeak - male
Eric Gofreed: Botteri's Sparrow
Eric Gofreed: Black-throated Sparrow
cruso2: IMG_1322
Eric Gofreed: Donkey foal with porcupine eggs
Eric Gofreed: Vastness
Eric Gofreed: Face poking polka
Eric Gofreed: Bullock's oriole on red yucca stalk
Eric Gofreed: All Shook Up
Eric Gofreed: Two hummers and a buzzer
Eric Gofreed: Great blue heron-03858