oldTor: Onion cells. Rheinberg Illumination
UVO_eber: Queen (european hornet)
koen_jacobs: On a bike
nickybay: Jumping spider (Rhene sp.) - P5230141
nickybay: Blue Pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpionida) - P5138357
nickybay: Harvestmen: Opiliones Checklist
oldTor: A slice of a leaf of a money tree (crassula) under a microscope. Chloroplasts. Rheinberg illumination
koen_jacobs: Parade!
nickybay: Moth fly (Psychodinae) - P2254845
Official SpaceX Photos: Ship 24 Static Fire
Official SpaceX Photos: SES O3b mPOWER Mission
oldTor: Silicon carbide grain in a sharpening stone. UVIVF
koen_jacobs: Parade!
koen_jacobs: Parade!
koen_jacobs: Parade!
nickybay: Pleasing fungus beetle (Erotylus sp.) - P6100002
koen_jacobs: they all returned
koen_jacobs: the returned
oldTor: Microchip 153УД401. Carl Zeiss Jena GF-Planachromat 12.5x/0.25
oldTor: Silicon micro chip
GeorgeKBarker: Infrared Cow
koen_jacobs: the returned
koen_jacobs: the returned
koen_jacobs: Animal Farm
nickybay: Gray springtail (Pseudachorutinae) - P5016426
oldTor: Silicon microchip from DVD player
Nicolas_HENON: Saturnia pyri (Saturniidae)
OldManOfMenston: 2021-04-18-16.29.02 ZS PMaxv1
oldTor: Strawberry. UVIVF. HDR.
nickybay: Handsome fungus beetle (Cacodaemon hystricosus) - P3132358