_R.i_: first light
_R.i_: fishing
_R.i_: mining
_R.i_: fly
_R.i_: to the sea
_R.i_: look up
_R.i_: light up
_R.i_: in the sky
_R.i_: cloudy
_R.i_: reflection
_R.i_: accross universe
_R.i_: little trees, BIG love
_R.i_: saigon
_R.i_: angkor star
_R.i_: angkor morning
_R.i_: the light is gone
_R.i_: father and son and sea
_R.i_: fragment line
_R.i_: far away
_R.i_: to the tree
_R.i_: storm reaches the far island
_R.i_: cloud goes down
_R.i_: shoot for the goal
_R.i_: broken light
_R.i_: behind those branches
_R.i_: before the rain
_R.i_: stair to heaven
_R.i_: rainbow
_R.i_: freedom in the iron cage
_R.i_: vungtau-006