stephaniedub: We've made it to our new home. Hello, Los Angeles.
stephaniedub: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
stephaniedub: Reminders are everywhere, you just need to allow yourself to see them.
stephaniedub: California, I love you.
stephaniedub: This never gets old. I'm ready for the culmination of energy this beauty brings.
stephaniedub: January, 2014.
stephaniedub: The beginning to this year was fresh and calm. I'm ready for more.
stephaniedub: Shelter from the storm.
stephaniedub: San Francisco sent me a reassuring message this afternoon after a rough morning on the class war front.
stephaniedub: Follow the curve.
stephaniedub: Climbing up to get out.
stephaniedub: The only good thing about leaving magical Lake Tahoe on a crisp Sunday evening- being witness to this.
stephaniedub: Today's hike included an abandoned Transcontinental Railroad tunnel. Actually 3 miles of abandoned train tunnels.
stephaniedub: Lake Tahoe, November 16, 2013. Heaven. (No filter needed)
stephaniedub: And so it is.
stephaniedub: Friends, beach, and bonfire. A Saturday night.
stephaniedub: The Amen of nature is always a flower. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
stephaniedub: They will carry you, if you let them.
stephaniedub: Fall was in full force in Sebastopol today, and I was in heaven.
stephaniedub: This bright smiling face never fails to cheer me up.
stephaniedub: Love and faith and hope and growth; an early birthday harvest moon.
stephaniedub: Most of the time we end up right where we need to be.
stephaniedub: The most heartfelt welcome home.
stephaniedub: Goodnight, Sun.
stephaniedub: My last evening on the lake. #PureMichigan times winding to an end.
stephaniedub: Fly, fly away home.
stephaniedub: Lake life; summertime heaven.
stephaniedub: Oh hey Michigan, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR RED SKY SUMMER SUNSETS. #nofilter #puremichigan
stephaniedub: Our words affect those around us, just like a ripple in water.
stephaniedub: The walk home along the river last night didn't suck. Thanks for summer, NY.