Birding and Photography: Angola or Gabela Helmetshrike "Prionops gabela". Angola
Birding and Photography: Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye "Platysteira concreta". Angola
Birding and Photography: Flap-neck Chameleon "Chamaeleo dilepis". Mt. Moco Reserve, Angola
Birding and Photography: Green-and-black Fruiteater "Pipreola riefferii". Jardin, Colombia
Birding and Photography: Andean Cock-of-the-rock "Rupicola peruvianus". Jardin, Colombia
Birding and Photography: Painted Sandgrouse "Pterocles indicus". Rajasthan, India
Birding and Photography: Striated Laughingthrush "Grammatoptila striata". Pangot, India
Birding and Photography: Laggar Falcon "Falco jugger". Rajasthan, India
Birding and Photography: Inca Tern "Larosterna inca". Valparaíso, Chile
Birding and Photography: White-sided Hillstar "Oreotrochilus leucopleurus". Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile
Birding and Photography: End of a short trip to the Cerrado and Pantanal area!
Birding and Photography: Violet-capped Woodnymph "Thalurania glaucopis". Brazil
Birding and Photography: Endemic Brassy-breasted Tanager "Tangara desmaresti". Intervales State Park, Brazil
Birding and Photography: Male Green-backed Trogon "Trogon viridis". Legado das Águas, São Paulo, Brazil
Birding and Photography: Order Odontophoridae: Mountain Quail, California
Birding and Photography: Wilson's Phalarope "Phalaropus tricolor". California
Birding and Photography: New Holland Honeyeater "Phylidonyris novaehollandiae". NSW, Australia
Birding and Photography: Happy New Year Everyone!
Birding and Photography: Best target species for 2022 - The Plains Wanderer!
Birding and Photography: Male Double-eyed Fig-Parrot "Cyclopsitta diophthalma". Cairns, Australia
Birding and Photography: Female Double-eyed Fig-Parrot "Cyclopsitta diophthalma". Cairns, Australia
Birding and Photography: Kagu "Rhynochetos jubatus". New Caledonia
Birding and Photography: Order Cathartidae: King Vulture "Sarcoramphus papa". Costa Rica
Birding and Photography: Blue morph of the Arctic fox "Vulpes lagopus". Pribilof subspecies, St Paul island Alaska
Birding and Photography: Breeding female Red Phalarope "Phalaropus fulicarius". Utqiagvik, Alaska
Birding and Photography: Cerulean Warbler "Setophaga cerulea". Rockbridge, Ohio
Birding and Photography: Henslow's Sparrow "Centronyx henslowii". Ohio
Birding and Photography: Stunning male Montezuma quail "Cyrtonyx montezumae". Fort Davis, Texas
Birding and Photography: Frosty Bison in Yellowstone National Park
Birding and Photography: Orange-breasted Fruiteater "Pipreola jucunda". Ecuador