Birding and Photography: Andean Lapwing "Vanellus resplendens". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Glistening-green Tanager "Chlorochrysa phoenicotis". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Orange-breasted Fruiteater "Pipreola jucunda". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Rose-faced Parrot "Pyrilia pulchra". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Striped Treehunter "Thripadectes holostictus". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Giant Antpitta "Grallaria gigantea". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Chestnut-crowned Antpitta "Grallaria ruficapilla". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Andean Cock-of-the-rock "Rupicola peruvianus". Ecuador
Birding and Photography: Masked Trogon "Trogon personatus". Ecuador