uptownyumiko: Good to be back #morningrun
uptownyumiko: Before going back home..
uptownyumiko: Joined #lifelongkindergartenbook reading circle at Shinshu U. Muramarsu lab. Lots of thinking, imaging, making were happening! 信州大学村松研のライフロングキンダーガーテン本輪読会に参加させてもらいました。いろんなアイデアや問題提起あり、作品発表会あり、刺激うけました!
uptownyumiko: My accomplishment today: Automata. Bee flying around a flower. Learned how to use scroll saw, drill press, hot wire foam cutter, and about screws, nuts and washers. Placed a wrong disk so the stick in the middle doesn't move but that's okay I learned:swea
uptownyumiko: Koinobori (carp streamer) swimming strong in the air #childrensday
uptownyumiko: Japanese ver. #scratchcard finally arrived! Excited to imagine how this will inspire kids of all ages..😆 日本語版スクラッチコーディングカードがついに手元に、、!これがどうすべての年齢の「子どもたち」のアイデアを刺激するのか楽しみです〜!!
uptownyumiko: Strolling under cherry blossoms..
uptownyumiko: Managed to capture the last bit of Japanese cherry blossom 🌸
uptownyumiko: Observing our mind with ... a crayon😎 #zen #notmeditation #playfulassessment
uptownyumiko: Free Tokyo train map turned to this neat decor 駅で配ってる路線図をお土産にとってきたらこんなのになってた
uptownyumiko: They are doing well. #porchfarming #peppers #tomatoes
uptownyumiko: "embedded" seeds gift 🌱received while working on embedded assessment project documentation
uptownyumiko: I missed you, #sakura of NY
uptownyumiko: ついに手元に。人の学びにかかわるすべての人にぜひ読んでもらいたいです。Japanese translation of Lifelong Kindergarten book has just arrived my Cambridge home. Excited😃
uptownyumiko: Cool idea doing an art exhibit in a giant UHAUL car #mokwokart
uptownyumiko: Tomatoes are fast growng, just few days made them this..!
uptownyumiko: Blue sky! Mountains! No injuries! #springsnowboarding #latergram
uptownyumiko: Cured salmon experiment #2 was a success
uptownyumiko: Proud that my roomie @te.dechen and I managed to prepare the 'Japanese breakfast' and had a quality morning 😍
uptownyumiko: Leaning about maker tools with maker educators. Dusting off my after school memory😅 学童のときの工作の記憶を呼び戻しつつ先生たちと学んできた
uptownyumiko: Had a lot of fun watching #walkofftheearth. The famous five-people-one-guitar performance was insane
uptownyumiko: 本日の授業準備完了。the moment the final class preparation was done just perfectly #creativelearnkng #lcl #thefifthP #pastries
uptownyumiko: そして誰もいなくなった and then there were none #snowstorm
uptownyumiko: Sneaking the last bit of winter beach
uptownyumiko: After the snow storm..
uptownyumiko: 今回も収穫の多い旅であった #miraikosakuzemi
uptownyumiko: Very very proud of we the 4th graders team all made this work. 四年生チームがこれを完成させたことがすんごい誇り #keytouch #obusekosakuzemi #solderingfun
uptownyumiko: Yes. #raonbowsprinkles #latergram #20degreesinfebruary
uptownyumiko: 塩鮭→鮭フレーク まだ改善の余地あり my first cured salmon was 75points #cookingexperiment
uptownyumiko: Colored up carrots