David Kingham: Snowy Range Perseids Meteor Shower
Santiago Ron: Hemiphractus bubalus
kirwinj: Ruby Throat Female Hummer-001
Thor Hakonsen: Theloderma corticale
Ross Maynard: Ranitomeya ventrimaculata
wayras: Decimiana hebardi
A. Stuckert: Ranitomeya imitator mixto
Thor Hakonsen: Cryptelytrops macrops
Thor Hakonsen: Bothriechis schlegelii
Thor Hakonsen: Cryptelytrops macrops
Thor Hakonsen: Cryptelytrops macrops
cowyeow: Amazon Leaf Frog (Cruziohyla craspedopus)
BiodiversityPhotography.org: Charles Island Tortoise (Geochelone nigra galapagoensis), an endangered species
BiodiversityPhotography.org: Paul S. Hamilton_RAEI.org _DSC8193.jpg
BiodiversityPhotography.org: The Biodiversity Group IMGP7359
Jake M. Scott: Eumorpha labruscae
Arthur Anker: The amazing Chromodoris annulata
Arthur Anker: Copiopteryx semiramis gadouorum (Saturniidae)
Andrew Snyder Photography: Amazon tree boa
Arthur Anker: Rainforest harvestman (Epidanidae)