papillonbleu20042000: My baby, Pepper, sleeping peacefully.
papillonbleu20042000: Pepper being a good boy after keeping me up all night!
papillonbleu20042000: I love how now shrimp is protected at Aldi.
papillonbleu20042000: Sunday brunch. Apple walnut cake.
papillonbleu20042000: Amaretto cake with pineapple topping.
papillonbleu20042000: Pepper getting ready to take a nap in my spot on the bed.
papillonbleu20042000: Muffin deep asleep in the new cat cube.
papillonbleu20042000: It's good to be home. Strong black coffee and cinnamon rolls make Ain go away!
papillonbleu20042000: Made a pan of brownies, late at night. I am not allowed any caffeine tomorrow before a special heart exam. I'll just have a piece right now.
papillonbleu20042000: Favorite snack. Seasonal only :(
papillonbleu20042000: Brewing some nice concoction. It's been below. 60 today.
papillonbleu20042000: Addicted to Happy cola from Haribo
papillonbleu20042000: Proofing some work under a lamp
papillonbleu20042000: sweet and sour chicken
papillonbleu20042000: New desk chair - Ikea
papillonbleu20042000: Cocoa the kitten, being adorable.
papillonbleu20042000: Made sweet and sour chicken
papillonbleu20042000: Writing progress
papillonbleu20042000: Merlin and Pepper are friends, sometimes.
papillonbleu20042000: Pepper immobile and fascinated by thin air or some invisible entity?
papillonbleu20042000: Pepper closeup
papillonbleu20042000: My lap kitty.
papillonbleu20042000: I feel tired despite the low mileage.
papillonbleu20042000: Sandalwood encens.
papillonbleu20042000: The holidays are coming:)
papillonbleu20042000: Making a vanilla pudding.
papillonbleu20042000: A weird creature, this Pepper.
papillonbleu20042000: The minute the couch cover is cleaned, Pepper sleeps on it.
papillonbleu20042000: The minute the couch cover is cleaned, Pepper sleeps on it.