Pepsi bottling plant
Dean Jeffrey: Greyhound Bus Station, Jackson, TN
Dean Jeffrey: Webb Brothers Float Service, Reliance, TN Model Auto Sales
romleys: Don's Frosty Dos Palos,CA
J Kilgo: Topeka Steak House
Thomas Hawk: Capitol Hill Motel, Portland, Oregon
kyfireenginephoto: Gila Bend, Arizona - Texaco Stations & Auto Court
Dean Jeffrey: Devil Dog Dungarees, Zebulon, NC
Dean Jeffrey: Thelma's Bar aka Thelma's Peach, Tulsa, OK
Dean Jeffrey: Bob Marshall TV & VCR Repair, Tulsa, OK
Dean Jeffrey: Thelma's Bar aka Thelma's Peach and Bill's Jumbo Burgers, Tulsa, OK
Dean Jeffrey: Beard Motor Company aka Bristow Chrysler Plymouth, Bristow, OK
Rivamarsh: B.F. Goodrich Geneva Tire & Auto Store
Rivamarsh: Harlo Grill
Dean Jeffrey: Lotta Burger, Enid, OK
63vwdriver: Holiday Inn neon sign.
J. A. Robertson: New Croton Dam (1906) , Croton-On-Hudson, New York
romleys: Saratoga Motor Hotel Tulsa,OK
63vwdriver: '69 VW and Zip's Diner roadside sign.
63vwdriver: Vintage Texaco station at The Henry Ford.
Robby Virus: Exeter Sign, Exeter, NE
Dean Jeffrey: Burger Boy, Wilson, NC
Dean Jeffrey: Pine Tavern Lodge, Floyd, VA
63vwdriver: VWs (and a Triumph) at Dan's Place, West Greenwich, Rhode Island.
Dean Jeffrey: Phillips 66, Pulaski, VA
Dean Jeffrey: Dr. Pepper Sign, Roanoke, VA
63vwdriver: Brite Cleaners, Worcester, Mass.
Dean Jeffrey: Citylight Church, Roanoke, VA
EC Leatherberry: Virginia, Dinwiddie County- Darvils Community, Texaco Gas Pump