robaurdu: Irton Starship in Aurdu #2
robaurdu: Bertie #1
RAINESGIFT: Maisie 2006
Crivvens: Silken Fibrils
rckrd: Razzla
bohdabinket: Up Up and Away!!!!!
MsRebeccaW: What a head, eh?
RAINESGIFT: maisie 2006
mega77arthur: Border Terrier
JBA3: She has the ball, Scout has her...
threelayercake: My boyfriend at 16....millimeters
cswtwo: bossing around big brother
cronuskane: Maisie 6 months
Gavatron: What a cute puppy!
Gavatron: Sleep is for the innocent
Gavatron: Ollie sleeping
kohine: Tunde
Gavatron: Who you lookin' at?
Borderdog3: P1030016
schönwandt: Dos Pesos in the basket