ronmcbride66: The garden: September sunrise ... 'flare'
ronmcbride66: The garden and 3 types of glass
ronmcbride66: View from the patio: a new perspective
ronmcbride66: Sunrise and a crystal ball
ronmcbride66: Shelves in the study
ronmcbride66: The garden through a glass ball: inverted image
ronmcbride66: Turn off the gas!
ronmcbride66: In the kitchen: ... now 'we're cooking on gas'
ronmcbride66: Garden table and a lensball
ronmcbride66: Roses in the garden
ronmcbride66: Columnar Beech and Day Lilies
ronmcbride66: Hanging basket and silver birch
ronmcbride66: The greenhouse
ronmcbride66: Flower arrangement through a lens ball