i am jim joe: 2012-02-04 16.41.25.jpg
stevensiegel260: NY in the 80s 149
stevensiegel260: Big Apple 1
rollingrck: St Marks Place mural NYC
Test Match Special: Graffiti proclaiming LA Lewis's DJing talent
Vito Fun: Lady On Bus With MInk Coat 2
hands out yo pockets!: GEN2, INKHEAD
street stars: subway beefy
thOs One aka thosalumpagus: Will the Real Inkhead Please Step Up
NewYorkNostalgia: Sezlo AOW
NewYorkNostalgia: Setup Serf
NewYorkNostalgia: Seno, Naw, Cir, Remo, Dart, Host x Facet
NewYorkNostalgia: Post, Naw IVB