jim.christ: north
jim.christ: quiet
jim.christ: hykue
jim.christ: Chinese New Year Parade
jim.christ: Another beautiful day in sf...
jim.christ: Story hand
jim.christ: Japan
jim.christ: Warehouse
jim.christ: Pastime
jim.christ: Steel
jim.christ: Steel
jim.christ: Soyeah
jim.christ: Jeloe and Chue
jim.christ: Production 2
jim.christ: Production
jim.christ: Excel
jim.christ: Not many dumpsters in sf... :(
jim.christ: Reyes G
jim.christ: Reyes window frame
jim.christ: Soyeah and Eric
jim.christ: Lions
jim.christ: Twick
jim.christ: Jorone
jim.christ: Fword
jim.christ: hard at work