randyhate: Okay one last photo then I've got stuff to do. I'll look really sweet...
randyhate: I asked her to look up. Apparently she enjoys sarcasm as much as I do.
randyhate: Her new typical position.
randyhate: can't you see i am busy trying to sleep here?
randyhate: Why must you wake me with that damn camera?
randyhate: lack of focus is clearly my fault
randyhate: her face is so damn adorable
randyhate: her new favorite spot
randyhate: queen of her litter box
randyhate: helen looking a bit like bugs bunny here
randyhate: preparing for her patented stomp hiss
randyhate: um... it is time for dinner. i just know it is.
randyhate: yep, there is still no food in my bowl.
randyhate: i will scratch at your pants till you feed me.
randyhate: maybe if i just glare hard enough.....
randyhate: come on. DINNER! NOW! PLEASE!
randyhate: Apparently sleeping in the bed is not taught at kitty school.
randyhate: Just when I think I've exhausted all picture possibilities, she goes and does this.
randyhate: Nico lives the life I wish I did.
randyhate: I had to restrain myself from petting her here. It was quite hard.
randyhate: She dragged this shirt onto her bed when i was in the shower today.
randyhate: She has been sleeping with it pretty nonstop ever since.
randyhate: I came home to her like this.
randyhate: Pretty sure she was dreaming she was flying.
randyhate: Nico says: Please get me a cape, as I would like to fly.
randyhate: If you come & visit, I'll let you give me treats.
randyhate: I am reaching out to try and touch you.