Michelle Hendry: Oklahoma
Michelle Hendry: Abandoned farm - M.Hendry
Michelle Hendry: Monument Valley Sunrise
Michelle Hendry: Monument Valley Sunset
Michelle Hendry: Long House - Mesa Verde
Michelle Hendry: Long House - Mesa Verde
Michelle Hendry: Long House - Mesa Verde
Michelle Hendry: Shiprock
Michelle Hendry: Monument Valley Sunrise
Michelle Hendry: Mesa Arch
Michelle Hendry: Mesa Arch
Michelle Hendry: Double Arch
Michelle Hendry: Canyonlands
Michelle Hendry: Canyonlands
Michelle Hendry: Canyonlands
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: Arches National Park
Michelle Hendry: White House Ruins
Michelle Hendry: Monument Valley Sunset
Michelle Hendry: Man of the Tides
Michelle Hendry: Classic Cadillac
Michelle Hendry: Charcoal Portrait Sketch
Michelle Hendry: The end of storm season