Draavig: A Robin that has caught a centipede
Draavig: A Ruddy Daggerwing butterfly (Marpesia petreus) asleep on a leaf
Draavig: A Slender or Brown Bark Scorpion (Centruroides gracilis)
Draavig: Canoeing down the Belize river
Draavig: A large LongHorn Beetle
Draavig: A pair of mating Longhorn Beetles
Draavig: Costa Rican Red Rump (Brachypelma vagans)
Draavig: Anole Lizard
Draavig: Grey-necked Wood-rail+
Draavig: An Army ant solider guarding the column of workers (Eciton sp.)
Draavig: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl)
Draavig: Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra)
Draavig: Flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps)
Draavig: Coremiocnemis hoggi female with spiderlings
Draavig: Coremiocnemis hoggi Female with eggsac
Draavig: Coremiocnemis hoggi being lured out of her burrow
Draavig: White-thighed Leaf Monkey (Presbytis siamensis)
Draavig: Mother and baby making a run for it in the rain
Draavig: White-thighed Leaf Monkey (Presbytis siamensis)
Draavig: White-thighed Leaf Monkey (Presbytis siamensis)
Draavig: Sheltering from the rain
Draavig: Smile for the camera
Draavig: Hanging out..
Draavig: Enjoying walking through the clouds
Draavig: Lifting the lid of her burrow
Draavig: Xyleutes strix
Draavig: Three Horned Rhinocerous Beetle (Chalcosoma sp.)
Draavig: Indo-malayan Mountain Pitviper (Ovophis monticola convictus)
Draavig: Siamese Peninsula Pitviper (Trimeresurus fucatus)
Draavig: Siamese Peninsula Pitviper (Trimeresurus fucatus)