chopper_79: IMG_20191022_164913_243
chopper_79: piccola Siria
chopper_79: Erbonne
chopper_79: Traghetto lago di Como
chopper_79: Nunzia e...Siria
chopper_79: seminatrice
chopper_79: double click
chopper_79: the moon
chopper_79: fioriture primaverili
chopper_79: sky B&W
chopper_79: fenicotteri
chopper_79: fenicotteri - la cova
chopper_79: panoramica alberobello
chopper_79: controluce
chopper_79: trullo
chopper_79: the old bike and the white lady
chopper_79: ponte vecchio - cesena
chopper_79: tartarughe
chopper_79: medusa
chopper_79: piedi di donna
chopper_79: castello monforte
chopper_79: ruscello
chopper_79: it's time to...
chopper_79: germano reale
chopper_79: vista dal molo
chopper_79: micio
chopper_79: viale innevato
chopper_79: la croce