beingjoey: Thankful.
auntsmack4u: We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
beingjoey: "in every outburst of headland, there is the story of the earth"~ Rachel Carson
auntsmack4u: "Well, we're not in the middle of nowhere, but we can see it from here. " - louise
beingjoey: Driving East-
beingjoey: "like water, be gentle and strong" ~ brenda peterson
beingjoey: The world owes you nothing..
onwatersedge: Taking aim at the stars
auntsmack4u: denali, revisited
beingjoey: PDX loves it's dogs...
auntsmack4u: imagine
beingjoey: "what ever difficulties you have had in the past... you can make a fresh start today.." ~ The Buddha
wowpictures: Moving man and dog
onwatersedge: Bridge to nowhere
auntsmack4u: Sometimes its better to put love into hugs than to put it into words. ~ Unknown
onwatersedge: Zen on the Hudson
beingjoey: Wishing every one a super weeknd..
onwatersedge: Grounded in the big city
beingjoey: "deep in their hearts, most people want to be understood and cherished."~ The Buddha
wowpictures: Wants and Dreams
dogfaceboy: I can't face this thing alone
wowpictures: trickle down theory
wowpictures: A step of life complete
beingjoey: Thank you flickr peeps...
beingjoey: Day 5: ECM: tell me something..
beingjoey: Day 4 ECM... Storytime...
wowpictures: My son
beingjoey: "I know a place where you can get away...
beingjoey: DAY 5: ECM.. BLUE..