Kevin Fandre: BooBoo
Kevin Fandre: BooBoo
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel Title
Kevin Fandre: Gracie
Kevin Fandre: Fighting Birds
Kevin Fandre: _6000420.jpg
Kevin Fandre: Green Anole
Kevin Fandre: Opossum Peaking
Kevin Fandre: Opossum
Kevin Fandre: Tracey drawing Millie
Kevin Fandre: Woodpecker
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel
Kevin Fandre: Baby Blue Jay
Kevin Fandre: Baby Blue Jay begging for food
Kevin Fandre: Opossum hiding in Althea
Kevin Fandre: Cardinal
Kevin Fandre: Cardinal
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel selecting a nut
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel eating nut in feeder
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel eating from feeder
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel in a box
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel caught in the act
Kevin Fandre: Whos a pretty girl?
Kevin Fandre: Squirrel Thief
Kevin Fandre: Bee on Rose of Sharon
Kevin Fandre: Gracie
Kevin Fandre: Coopers Hawk with tail in the air
Kevin Fandre: Coopers Hawk looking over shoulder
Kevin Fandre: Coopers Hawk Staring intently
Kevin Fandre: Coopers Hawk Eating Prey