Kevin Fandre: Finnick at Dallas Zoo
Kevin Fandre: Ruby-Throated Humming Bird
Kevin Fandre: Widow Skimmer
Kevin Fandre: Red Eared Slider
Kevin Fandre: Splash
Kevin Fandre: Neon Skimmer
Kevin Fandre: Bard Owl
Kevin Fandre: Bluebird @111
Kevin Fandre: Pelican in the Shadows
Kevin Fandre: Harris's Hawk
Kevin Fandre: Yellow Crowned Night-Heron
Kevin Fandre: Green Kingfisher
Kevin Fandre: Blue Dasher
Kevin Fandre: Backlit Bunny
Kevin Fandre: Dragons Among Us
Kevin Fandre: Great Egret Displaying His Finest
Kevin Fandre: Great Blue Heron Hiding in the Grass
Kevin Fandre: Monarch Butterfly 2 -- Explored
Kevin Fandre: Blacked-Chinned Hummingbird
Kevin Fandre: Red-naped sapsucker in the snow
Kevin Fandre: Northern Flicker at Rocky Mountain National Park
Kevin Fandre: Cloudless Giant Sulpher
Kevin Fandre: Painted Bunting
Kevin Fandre: Dickcissel at Hagerman
Kevin Fandre: View of Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park
Kevin Fandre: Bald Eagle
Kevin Fandre: Common Buckeye
Kevin Fandre: American Wood Duck in Golden Light
Kevin Fandre: Blue Winged Teal
Kevin Fandre: Killdeer