brencat: Archie
brencat: SOPHIE
brencat: ARCHIE
brencat: Archie
brencat: Archie
brencat: his first time outside on a leash
brencat: chillin on the couch, with his servant
brencat: Archie
brencat: Archie
brencat: Archie
brencat: Archie
brencat: ARCHIE
brencat: IMG_0934
brencat: Sophie riding in the backhoe
brencat: getting late at night, she's tired
brencat: Sophie at her best
brencat: 426
brencat: 242
brencat: look at those ears fly lol
brencat: Sophie
brencat: Tall Ships 153
brencat: Tall Ships 110
brencat: Tall Ships 097
brencat: Tall Ships 076
brencat: DSC00447
brencat: DSC00457
brencat: DSC00417
brencat: DSC00427