tractac: MSCN9740
davebollinger: Revolution No. 9
Jubilo!¡: abulea
Jubilo!¡: fetiche
Aranda\Lasch: Flight: The Brooklyn Pigeon Project
msa70: Arsenale
msa70: Arsenale
msa70: Arsenale
origami_madness: Curved Folds, part II
origami_madness: Hyperbolic Tessellations
origami_madness: Object Cell
rizoma: wip-sb prototypes group
rizoma: wod02
rizoma: Mars to Miura-ori
rizoma: 00036
macloo: Origami Textiles
PhillipWest: Lionfish
srjm: Inflatable Origami Glowing Green
Mode Lab: Diagrid_A04
Mode Lab: 20100816_MatInt_Day01
leospinetto: No sigo la corriente
leospinetto: Todo por un chori
powell.dylan: My Bauhaus Brings All the Boys to the Yard
Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema: The Baths of Caracalla. 1899 Detail