Plastic Girl: red rubber necklace
Plastic Girl: Curio Exhibition
marianbijlenga: my glass art
marianbijlenga: KunstisKunst 2010
thetomer: Smoke Signals #2
LaLaMonde: Les Modules
2Roses Jewelry: Magrite's Pencil Brooch
2Roses Jewelry: Cactus Mescal Brooch
ELINtm: mould and lichen study
B@Bé: broche orugita
Thomas Rockstar: Realize Business Cards
jerry waese ★: ferbierub
netamir: Peeled
arthur hash: "Blue wave"
sspboyd: BtoD_book_cover_mockup-v103.jpg
Urban Woodswalker: Pop Art Aluminum Can Hand Necklace-
Oh So Lazy Susan: Field of Eyes
Jóias da Rita: A minha primeira cana de boneca
*MIETTE: There-is-only-one-difference-between-a-madman-and-me.-The-madman-thinks-he-is-sane.-I-know-I-am-mad1
agulhaanonima: © | gold mesh necklace
irit dulman: Black & White
irit dulman: Felt purple bag
fingtoys: Archie & Jose
wunderwesen: 3Filzpuppen0102