Windows to Nature: Scarlet Tanager
Windows to Nature: Scarlet Tanager (Female)
Windows to Nature: Hooded Warbler
Windows to Nature: Prothonotary Warbler
Windows to Nature: Indigo Bunting
Windows to Nature: Gray Catbird
Windows to Nature: Northern Parula in Redbud
Windows to Nature: Northern Parula
Windows to Nature: Eastern Towhee
Windows to Nature: Virginia Rail
Windows to Nature: Yellow-throated Warbler in Redbud
Windows to Nature: Yellow-throated Warbler in Redbud / Northern Illinois
Windows to Nature: Eastern Towhee
Windows to Nature: Blue and Gold
Windows to Nature: Tending the Nest
Windows to Nature: Spirit of the Northwoods
Windows to Nature: Great Horned Owlet
Windows to Nature: European Goldfinch (Lifer!)
Windows to Nature: Queen of the Grasslands
Windows to Nature: Great-horned Owlets
Windows to Nature: Immature Bald Eagle with Fresh Catch
Windows to Nature: Great-horned Owl
Windows to Nature: Great Blue Heron
Windows to Nature: Low-flying Northern Harrier
Windows to Nature: Northern Harrier - Female
Windows to Nature: Young Bald Eagle
Windows to Nature: Precarious Situation
Windows to Nature: Missed Opportunity
Windows to Nature: Bald Eagle
Windows to Nature: Great Horned Owlet