kklin1: DSC_3184_5_6_tonemapped_1
豬母落水社: 豬母落水*造船師傅 洪長傳
nodie26: 花蓮 蘇花公路
nodie26: 花蓮 蘇花公路
nodie26: 花蓮 清水斷崖
tucker_L: GZ Tower
Sharleen Chao: Foggy and Rainy Week 試披雲霧幾多重
阿Len: 基隆港晚霞 Keelung Harbor, Taiwan _IMG_6622
Sharleen Chao: Silhouette of my friends 大師剪影
Sharleen Chao: Presidential Office Building 萬里山河拱至尊
sim3000: Wallpaper 1280*1024 01
台大校史館 NTU_OldPhotos_Wanted: 相約在公路局新店站
Steve: "They can't all be zingers!!!" (Primus): yellow vespa with basketball
Alfred Chu0228: P-47N(23)
bmfish: NTX16
昶銓: 夜彩碧潭
mcdyessjin (Yu-Jen Shih): 20120317-IMG_0970
Dic-s: DSC01508
sparth: Pike aura
Londer Ray.tw: 442 函館百萬傍晚
leo1012: 20110622-keeling 2
*Yueh-Hua 2023: Moon Festival‧Galeon Andalucia in Yilan │ Sept. 22, 2010
彥霖攝影 Yannlinphoto@gmail.com: 空中攝影_陳敏明©_台灣聚落_B02118331_基隆港
nodie26: 花蓮 石梯坪
nodie26: 花蓮 北濱公園 晨曦
nodie26: 台東 三仙台
nodie26: 志學村 風輕雲淡