diplah: kissy
diplah: alcoholic submarine - czech rep
diplah: frisco and love
diplah: fucking snow! - katowice
diplah: john - valmez 2003
diplah: study in eyes and booze
diplah: dancin
seequinn: Dots
seequinn: Jersey Shore
seequinn: Family Business
Dave Road Records: Lake carrowmore portrait [2]
Lynne's Lens: Pubescent Boy in the Light
Lynne's Lens: What a Bunch of Fancy Posers
AtypicalArt: Flower Power
lisby1: The Lads, 1/9th-Plate Ambrotype, circa 1853
EspressoBuzz: img334
David Denny2008: Ciaran 84Summer0022
David Denny2008: Ciaran 84Summer0004
TinTrunk: a private party
Viv | Seattle Bon Vivant: double exposure
Dan Strange: double exposure 4
minililimi: lustro