Vincent_Ting: Morning glow at Sun Moon Lake 日月潭晨彩
philoschen: 大稻埕煙火節
Vincent_Ting: Sunset at Kaomei wetland 高美夕照
里卡豆: Taiwan Moon|PEN-F 打月球
philoschen: The Sunset and Nightview in Taipei
nodie26: life
nodie26: life
nodie26: life
philoschen: 香港路面電車(叮叮車)
philoschen: 遠眺廈門日落時刻
nodie26: life
Vincent_Ting: Milky way at Sun Moon Lake 日月潭銀河
Thomas Leuthard: Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart
philoschen: The Peak Night View @ Hong Kong
Whitefox Chen: Stone Trench of Laomei Coast
Kenny Teo (zoompict): Scenic 12 Apostles
里卡豆: 今天能見度好好|Chiayi 嘉義
紅襪熊(・ᴥ・): 月兒彎彎
啊痛: 蘭陽光軌
philoschen: 老梅綠石槽
Vincent_Ting: Sakura , 七谷川,龜岡,京都